Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Keep Your Head Up

"That which we persist in doing becomes easier. Not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to perform it increases." -Heber J. Grant

My missionary, my best friend, has now been out for 12 days. These 12 days have been some of the hardest that I have ever experienced, but as days go on, I also become stronger.

It is a huge adjustment to have someone that you are used to having around all the time, gone for 2 years. It's not easy, but it's possible. I have learned two main things so far... 

1) You will have your ups and downs while your missionary is away and serving. 
2) Even though some days feel impossible to get through, you can do it. 

Let me start off by telling the story of me and my Missionary.

We met at the beginning of summer on a church trip to Nauvoo, Illinois. It was early in the morning, around 4 am, and we were both on the same bus for the traveling portion of the trip. I had woken up later than planned that morning, so I literally just woke up, threw on some sweats and a t-shirt, put my hair up, and left my house with my luggage and a pillow. (It was definitely NOT my day for looks...;) As I got onto the bus and found my seat, I saw a guy who looked not only handsome, but kind... And before I knew it, he had started a conversation with me! (I know, it's shocking! A girl who was obviously not put together, and very tired. :) From this moment on, I knew that he was someone that I wanted to get to know.

As the trip progressed the handsome, nice guy, who I later found out was named Kevin, became even better friends with me. We would talk when we could, and as soon as you know it, we were no longer acquaintances; We were best friends. We were soon comfortable enough to confide in each other, joke with each other, and just be with each other.

I can honestly say that was the BEST trip of my entire life. 

Now, Kevin and I grew even closer after that trip, and eventually started our relationship. 

How lucky am I, to have my best friend, also as my boyfriend? I feel so blessed. 

Now that Kevin is serving a mission I have had to make some major adjustments... Some of which have proven to be not so easy. It's hard not to have your best friend around... It's hard not to know what they're doing, or how they're doing all the time. But, it's worth it. Because you know that they are off serving the Lord, and there is nothing better in this time of their life that they could be doing. 

While they are away, think of them, be proud of them, love them, support them, write them. But do not put your lives on hold. Continue to live your life, and meet new people. Go out, have fun, enjoy the time that you have, because they are enjoying and making immaculate use of the time they have. Grow spiritually while they are away also... Because every day they are growing an incredible amount, and it is always good to do your best and grow along with them. :)

This is what I've learned in the first little while that my best friend and missionary has been away... I cannot wait to continue to learn and grow. 

This, is the experience of a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. You're story is really adorable! And so is your blog :) I was only able to read the first post, but you sound so strong! I can't wait to follow your story and be here to support you :) Keep strong and keep happy!!
