Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Bridge Builder

This week in one of Kevin's letters he sent me some of his notes. On these notes were some things he found touching... Including a poem called "The Bridge Builder" by Will Allen Dromgoole. Kev then proceeded to ask me to ponder this poem and tell him what I thought of... As you read through this poem, I would encourage you to ponder it as well and interpret it for yourself.

After reading through this poem a couple of times I came up with my own personal interpretation and was able to share my thoughts with Kevin. Here is the excerpt from the letter I wrote him regarding this beautiful poem.

An old man going a lone highway,
Came, at the evening cold and gray,
To a chasm vast and deep and wide.
Through which was flowing a sullen tide
The old man crossed in the twilight dim,
The sullen stream had no fear for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“You are wasting your strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day,
You never again will pass this way;
You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide,
Why build this bridge at evening tide?”

The builder lifted his old gray head;
“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,
“There followed after me to-day
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been as naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!”

"So I re-read the poem you sent me called "The Bridge Builder" and I started to tear up! I just really pondered it and I have figured out what it means.. At least to me. This poem is about pure love and charity. The old man to me was representative of Christ and how even though he was perfect and could have gone through his life without making that huge sacrifice for us, he did it anyways. He built that bridge for us. The bridge that he built was the atonement... Our way back to Heavenly Father; which means that we represent the youth that the old man is building the bridge for. Even though Christ could have easily made it back to Heavenly Father without suffering all of the pains that he did, he made that sacrifice, as the old man did in the poem, so that we could all make it back. After I thought of this, I realized that although Christ has made that bridge for us to cross... We must first find the bridge in order to get across it. You are now part of that process. You are sacrificing your time, giving of your love and knowledge, and you are helping God's children make it across that bridge that he has built for us. Kev... You are so important. Thank you so much for sharing this poem with me. It means so much to me now, and it truly was a blessing for me; not only just today, but every day. It shares such an important message, and is also very relevant seeing as it is the Christmas season. :)"

It is amazing how blessings come to us at times of need... Kevin obviously for some reason felt inspired to share these notes with me even if he didn't know why. Well, I have been having an extra hard week, and this is exactly what I needed. Just goes to show that the Lord knows each and every one of us personally and will never leave us feeling alone. He is always watching over us and blessing us whenever we allow him too.

Merry Christmas everyone, remember to keep the CHRIST in Christmas. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's an Emotional Rollercoaster.

"I am alone here in my own mind. There is no map and there is no road. It is one of a kind just as yours is." -Unknown

Ok, so one thing I've learned is that throughout these two years I will have my ups and downs. Emotions run high and never seem to stay constant. Some days I feel like I am on top of the world; like no one can bring me down. Other days I feel almost hopeless; discouraged and alone. However, on days like this one thing you must remember is that you are NEVER alone. Let me repeat myself... You. Are. Never. Alone. No matter how bad things get, or how lonely you feel... Just remember, the Lord is always with you. He will never leave you unless YOU choose to shut him out. I rely on my friends and family for support... But relying on the Savior is absolutely essential to make it through this crazy ride. There will be days when people come up to you and tell you that you won't make it... Tell you that it's hopeless and that you are a fool to wait around. It's discouraging, rude, and completely un-necessary! But listen, don't let those people or their hurtful words define you! Do NOT let those comments work their way into your thoughts... Because if you dwell on negative comments such as these, it will only tear you down. Focus on those who will build you up and act as a support group. There are several groups on facebook that you can request to be added into that have TONS of girls who are in the same situation who will be there to lift you up when you are struggling! These are the types of people to surround yourself with. These are the people who will become some of your best friends... Which brings up another subject... Friends.

You may find that some of your friends are not actually as good as you may have thought. I have gone through this experience and it's definitely a struggle! It's hard to watch those who you thought would support you fall away. It's hard to feel like you're losing some of the foundation that you had thought was so firm. It's hard to think that those people who said that they would be there for you, are not. But, even though it's upsetting and hard, just remember... When something doesn't work out it's just God's way of telling you that there is something better to come! :) I needed to know who my true friends were and this experience definitely helped me to figure it out... And although I had to distance myself from some of those "friends", at the same time I was growing closer to others. People who understood me, or even just tried to understand me. People who weren't judge-mental and who cared to be there for me, to listen to me, and to love me. These are the people who are worth spending your time with. These are the people to keep close on this two year journey. With these reliable friends, a loving family, and a merciful and loving Heavenly Father... I promise you. You will not fail.

So updates!!
Kevin was supposed to leave for the Lima, Peru MTC on the 18th of November, however his Visa didn't come in time so he will not be leaving until sometime early January. This means he will be spending Christmas in the MTC. He won't be able to call his family, but he will have an amazing and wonderful opportunity to listen to some general authorities speak and to meet them! I'm sure it will be an uplifting and inspiring experience that I can't wait to hear about! It's my third week and I have received three 6 page long letters! Yep, he sure is good at writing meaningful letters. :) In each letter he updates me on how he is doing, and also makes sure to remind me that he loves me! This is such a comfort, and it helps me get through those days that just seem impossible! It's like he knows just when I need to hear from him... :) His P-Day is on Monday so I always get my letters on Thursdays! It's such an awesome thing to look forward to, and they always bless and comfort me! Not to mention that it puts me on cloud 9! His letters never fail to make me smile and even cry! (Don't worry, they're happy tears:) Letters are still, and always will be, such a blessing. I plan on sending Kevin a letter soon that has my testimony written in it; both in spanish and english. I would love to share my testimony here as well.

"Sé que sin dudas de que mi Padre Celestial me ama. Yo sé que por medio su amor y el sacrificio de su Hijo Jesucristo, que puedo regresar a estar con él de nuevo algún día. Él me ha bendecidos con la don del Espíritu Santo, y yo sé que si seguimos las impresiones que me han dado por medio del Espíritu Santo que voy a crear una vida llena de alegría y amor. Sé que si me dedico a Cristo que nunca fallará. Él tiene un plan completo y perfecto hecho sólo para mí, y si voy a vivir de una manera que le permita dirigir mis caminos, entraré a encontrar la felicidad más allá de comparar. Yo sé que si yo confío en el Señor, él hará mis debilidades en fortalezas y él nunca me dejes caer. Yo sé que él me va a bendecir con talento y amor para compartir con sus hijos, muchos de los que están tratando de encontrar el Evangelio, y al gusto de su amor eterno. Me encanta este evangelio, y estoy muy agradecido por ello.

Soy un mormón, me encanta, lo vivo."

"I know without any doubts that my Heavenly Father loves me. I know that through his love and the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ that I can return to be with him again someday. He has blessed me with the gift of the Holy Ghost, and I know that if I follow the promptings given to me through the Holy Ghost that I will create a life filled with joy and love. I know that if I devote myself to Christ that I will never fail. He has a complete and perfect plan made just for me, and if I will live in a way that will allow him to direct my paths, I will come to find happiness beyond compare. I know that if I rely on the Lord, he will make my weaknesses into strengths and he will never let me fall. I know that he will bless me with talents and love to share with his many children who are seeking to find the gospel, and to taste of his love eternal. I love this gospel, and I am so grateful for it. 

I'm a mormon, I love it, I live it."

Be strong. :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


“In every letter, in every line, she saw him. He hadn't changed - he'd only grown into the man he'd meant to be.” 
― Diana Peterfreund

Ok, so as you all have probably figured out... Letters are the most amazing and exciting, things ever! Every time I receive a letter from him my heart skips a beat and it's automatically the highlight of my week. Every word that he writes, I cherish. It's such a comfort to know that he is doing well, and that even though he is so lost in the work for the Lord, he still loves and cares about me. Letters are sweet reminders for me. They remind me why being away from him and waiting for him is worth it. They remind me that even though he is far away from me, he is still there for me.

They remind me of why I love him.

Ok so updates...
The MTC is wonderful, and he is loving it! The experience of being able to learn a language so quickly  is amazing for him. It is a humbling experience to feel the Lord's hand working so strongly in your life. He recently received a care package from me which had a lot of his favorite snacks/treats, a blue with black striped tie, a journal with quotes that i wrote inside of the pages, sticky notes with reasons why I appreciate him and am proud of him, a photo album with pictures of us, me, and his family, and a handwritten letter. :) In his most recent letter he thanked me profusely and told me how much he loved it. I learned that food makes you one of the most envied yet loved missionaries ever! Hahaha, it feels like I sent enough to feed an army, so i'm sure with his big loving heart, he'll share. ;) He told me he showed his companions my picture, aw how sweet and flattering! Everything is going well at the Provo MTC, but he will soon be leaving on the 18th to the Lima MTC! How exciting! :) More super amazing experiences to come. I can't wait to hear about them!

I am so thankful for the communication we are able to have through letter writing. :) It's truly a blessing and I will never take it for granted! Write hand-written letters and send pictures!  Keep him updated on your life and remind him that he has support back home, and that he is doing an honorable and selfless thing! These things are meaningful and something for missionaries to treasure. :)

Keep loving, keep writing!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everyone Loves a Good, Relatable, SONG :)

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."
-Victor Hugo

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE MUSIC. It would be hard for me to go even a day without listening to some sort of music, and even harder for me to keep from singing.

So as I have been going through this new experience, I have found some songs that I now L.O.V.E! They are all clean and relatable. What could be better than that? Music for me, has proven to be good company.  :)

So, here's a list of the songs So Far that I have come up with that I enjoy. :)

1) You're the Inspiration- Chicago

2) Daylight- Maroon 5

3) Right Here Waiting- Richard Marx

4) You and Me- Lifehouse

5) Whatever It Takes- Lifehouse

6) Your Love Is A Song- Switchfoot

7) Come Back Be Here- Taylor Swift

8)  See You Again- Carrie Underwood

9) Wait For You- Elliott Yamin

10) Two Is Better Than One- Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift

11) Forever and Always- Parachute

12) Falling Even More In Love With You- Lifehouse

13) I Won't Give Up- Jason Mraz

14) Lucky- Colbie Caillat & Jason Mraz

15) I'll Be- Edwin McCain

16) Bless the Broken Road- Rascal Flatts

17) A Thousand Years- Christina Perri

18) A Thousand Miles- Vanessa Carlton

19) The Promise- Tracy Chapman

I will keep this list updated with more songs that come my way. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Keep Your Head Up

"That which we persist in doing becomes easier. Not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to perform it increases." -Heber J. Grant

My missionary, my best friend, has now been out for 12 days. These 12 days have been some of the hardest that I have ever experienced, but as days go on, I also become stronger.

It is a huge adjustment to have someone that you are used to having around all the time, gone for 2 years. It's not easy, but it's possible. I have learned two main things so far... 

1) You will have your ups and downs while your missionary is away and serving. 
2) Even though some days feel impossible to get through, you can do it. 

Let me start off by telling the story of me and my Missionary.

We met at the beginning of summer on a church trip to Nauvoo, Illinois. It was early in the morning, around 4 am, and we were both on the same bus for the traveling portion of the trip. I had woken up later than planned that morning, so I literally just woke up, threw on some sweats and a t-shirt, put my hair up, and left my house with my luggage and a pillow. (It was definitely NOT my day for looks...;) As I got onto the bus and found my seat, I saw a guy who looked not only handsome, but kind... And before I knew it, he had started a conversation with me! (I know, it's shocking! A girl who was obviously not put together, and very tired. :) From this moment on, I knew that he was someone that I wanted to get to know.

As the trip progressed the handsome, nice guy, who I later found out was named Kevin, became even better friends with me. We would talk when we could, and as soon as you know it, we were no longer acquaintances; We were best friends. We were soon comfortable enough to confide in each other, joke with each other, and just be with each other.

I can honestly say that was the BEST trip of my entire life. 

Now, Kevin and I grew even closer after that trip, and eventually started our relationship. 

How lucky am I, to have my best friend, also as my boyfriend? I feel so blessed. 

Now that Kevin is serving a mission I have had to make some major adjustments... Some of which have proven to be not so easy. It's hard not to have your best friend around... It's hard not to know what they're doing, or how they're doing all the time. But, it's worth it. Because you know that they are off serving the Lord, and there is nothing better in this time of their life that they could be doing. 

While they are away, think of them, be proud of them, love them, support them, write them. But do not put your lives on hold. Continue to live your life, and meet new people. Go out, have fun, enjoy the time that you have, because they are enjoying and making immaculate use of the time they have. Grow spiritually while they are away also... Because every day they are growing an incredible amount, and it is always good to do your best and grow along with them. :)

This is what I've learned in the first little while that my best friend and missionary has been away... I cannot wait to continue to learn and grow. 

This, is the experience of a lifetime.